Bylaws & Reports

協會章程 Bylaws

第一章 總則 General


本會中文名稱為台灣金融分析專業人員協會,英文名稱為CFA Society Taiwan。
The name of the association is "CFA Society Taiwan" (herein referred to as the "Association"). 


本會以提升台灣地區金融分析專業,樹立執業道德準則,並增進本會會員之間及本會與美國金融分析師協會(CFA Institute)、證券市場主管機關之交流為宗旨。
The Association is a non-profit social association established in accordance with applicable laws.
The Association is established in pursuance of the following objectives: to raise the standards of practice of financial analysis and investment advice, to uphold ethical standards in the financial services industry in Taiwan, and to provide a convenient communication channel among our members and with the CFA Institute, other investment practitioners, Taiwan authorities and securities market regulators.


The Association shall be organized within the national jurisdiction of the Republic of china.


The Association shall reside in the same region as the location of the governing authorities of the Republic of China. The determination and alteration of the address of the Association shall take effect after being recorded with the competent authority


一、 舉辦證券分析學術研討會與培訓;
二、 蒐集證券分析之資料與出版相關刊物;
三、 舉辦活動,與美國金融分析師協會及全球各分支機構進行交流;及
四、 其他為達成本會宗旨之活動。
The Association shall have the following missions:
1. holding seminars and trainings;
2. collecting information and publishing newsletters;
3. holding exchange activities with CFA Institute and its member societies; and
4. conducting activities in relation to the mission of the Association.


The governing authority for the Association shall be the Ministry of the Interior.
The Association shall carry out its missions and objectives under the supervision and guidance of the governing authorities.

第二章 會員 Member


一、正式會員:為美國金融分析師協會之正式會員(Regular Member)者,得申請為本會正式會員。
To become a member of the Association, the application process shall be categorized as follows:
1. Regular Member: Any individual who is a Regular Member of CFA Institute may apply to be a regular member of the Association.
2. Affiliate Member: Any individual who agrees with the mission of the Association and would like to participate in the matters of the Association.
All applicants shall submit a completed application form for the board of directors' review and pay the membership dues in full.


A Regular Member (or the member representative) has the rights to vote, elect, be elected, and recall. Each Regular Member (or member representative) carries one vote. An Affiliate Member does not have the preceding rights.


一、 按時繳納會費。未繳交年度會費者自動停權,於繳納完結時復權;
二、 遵守本會章程、決議及規章;
三、 遵守本會所頒行之職業守則;
四、 服從本會之懲戒處分;
五、 依本會之請求提供關於從業行為之資訊;
六、 依本會之請求,於美國金融分析師協會懲戒程序中提供文件、作證及配合調查;及
七、 維持在美國金融分析師協會之會員資格。
Each Regular Member and Affiliate Member of the Association shall:
1. Pay annual Association membership dues in full. Any member who fails to pay shall be automatically suspended from membership in the Association. When payment is made in full, such member shall be automatically reinstated.
2. Abide by the Articles of Association, all applicable rules, and regulations of the Association.
3. Adhere to the Ethical Code and Standards of Professional Conduct of the Association.
4. Be subject to the disciplinary jurisdiction and sanctions of the Association.
5. Submit information relating to professional conduct and activities as the Association may request.
6. Produce documents, testify, and otherwise cooperate in disciplinary proceedings of CFA Institute as requested by the Association.
7. Maintain membership with CFA Institute.


In the event that a member (or member representative) is in violation of the applicable laws and regulations or preceding article, as determined by Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may issue a warning or suspend that member's membership. In the event of a gross violation, the Members Assembly may even vote to expel that member.
If a member's membership in CFA Institute is suspended, the Board of Directors shall resolve to give a suspension order to that member immediately.


A member losing membership or being expelled by the Members Assembly shall no longer enjoy any rights of the Association.
The Association shall notify CFA Institute of the expelling of such member from the Association.


A member may, on filing a written explanation, withdraw from the Association.
The Association shall notify CFA Institute of the withdrawal of such member from the Association.

第三章 組織與權限 Organization and Scope of the Power


Members Assembly is the supreme power-exercising organ of the Association.
When the number of members exceeds three hundred, the Members Assembly shall proportionally allocate the number of representatives from the different regions before convening the meeting and exercising its functions and authority. The tenure of representative are two years. The number of representatives and the regulation of the election shall be stipulated by the Board of Directors and shall take effect after being recorded by the competent authority.


一、 訂定與變更章程。
二、 選舉及罷免理事、監事。
三、 議決入會費、常年會費、事業費及會員捐款之數額及方式。
四、 議決年度工作計畫、報告及預算、決算。
五、 議決會員之除名處分。
六、 議決財產之處分。
七、 議決本會之解散。
八、 議決與會員權利義務有重大事項。
The functions and authority of the Members Assembly are as follows:
1. To draw up and modify the Articles of Association.
2. To elect or recall directors and supervisors.
3. To resolve the amount and the payment method of entrance fees, annual membership dues, funds for public undertakings and donations from the members.
4. To resolve the annual work plan, report, budget and final account report.
5. To resolve the discharge of a member.
6. To resolve the disposition of property.
7. To resolve the dissolve of the Association.
8. To resolve important matters related to members’ rights and duties.
The scope of important matters as prescribed in the Paragraph 8 of this Article shall be determined by the Board of Directors.


The Association shall elect eleven directors, three supervisors from the members among themselves and shall respectively establish the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors.
While electing the above-mentioned directors and supervisors, the Members Assembly shall appoint several alternate directors and alternate supervisors to wait to fill the vacancy according to the result of the vote. The current Board of Directors shall nominate candidates for the election of subsequent directors and supervisors.
Directors and supervisors may be elected by the communication vote, and the rules of which shall be stipulated by the Board of Directors and shall take effect after being recorded with the competent authority.


一、 審定會員之資格。
二、 選舉及罷免理事長及副理事長。
三、 議決理事、理事長及副理事長之辭職。
四、 聘免工作人員。
五、 擬定年度工作計畫、報告及預算、決算。
六、 制訂、修改本會道德準則及執業規範。
七、 其他應執行事項。
The functions and authority of the Board of Directors are as follows:
1. To examine the qualification of membership.
2. To elect and recall the chairman and vice chairman of the Board of Directors.
3. To resolve the resignation of directors, the chairman or the vice chairman of the Board of Directors;
4. To recruit the staffs;
5. To draft the annual working plan, report, budget and final account report;
6. To adopt and amend the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct; and
7. To decide other necessarily executive matters.


The Association shall have one chairman and one to two vice chairman of the Board of Directors, which shall be elected among the Board of Directors.
The chairman of the Board of Directors shall manage and supervise the affairs related to the Association internally, act on behalf of Association externally, call the meetings of the Board of Directors and Members Assembly, and act as chairman in those meetings.
In case the chairman of the Board of Directors is unable to exercise his power and authority, the vice chairman shall act on his behalf.
If the vice chairman is absent or could not act on behalf of the chairman, directors shall elect one from among themselves.
Vacancy of the chairman or vice chairman of the Board of Directors shall be filled by electing new persons within one month.


一、 監察理事會工作之執行。
二、 審核年度決算。
三、 議決監事之辭職。
四、 其他應監察事項。
The functions and authority of the Board of Supervisors are as follows:
1. To supervise the execution of the work of the Association;
2. To audit annual final account;
3. To resolve the resignation of supervisors; and
4. To supervise other matters as deemed relevant.


The Association shall have one chairman of the Board of Supervisors, which shall be elected among the Board of Supervisors.
In case the chairman of the Board of Supervisors cannot exercise his power and authority, he shall designate one supervisor to act on his behalf. If the designation is absent or could not be done, the supervisors shall elect one from among themselves.
Vacancy of the chairman of the Board of Supervisor shall be filled within one month.


Directors and supervisors shall serve without monetary compensation.
The tenure of the directors and supervisors are two years and could serve other terms if elected again. However, the chairman of the Board of Directors can only serve two terms. The tenure of the directors and supervisors shall be commenced from the date on which the meeting of the Board of Directors of that year is first convened.


一、 喪失會員資格者。
二、 因故辭職經理事會或監事會決議通過者。
三、 經會員大會議決予以罷免者。
四、 受停權處分期間任期逾二分之ㄧ者。
Any director or supervisor who meets any of the following circumstances shall be discharged:
1. Losing the qualifications required for membership of the Association.
2. Resigning from the position and being adopted by the Board of Directors or the Board of Supervisors.
3. Being recalled upon the resolution of Members Assembly.
4. Being suspended for longer than half of his/her term of office.


The Association shall have one Secretary-General to conduct the business under the instructions of the chairman of Board of Directors; the Association shall also have some staffs. Both of Secretary-General and staffs shall be appointed with the nomination by the chairman of the Board of Directors and approved by the Board of Directors; such information shall be submitted to the competent authority for reference.
The duties and hierarchy of the staffs shall be determined by Board of Directors.


The Association may set committees, groups or other internal operative units, the rules of which shall be implemented after being approved by the Board of Directors; the same shall apply to subsequent amendments.
The convener of each committee and the members of the committees shall be hired with the nomination by the Chairman of the Board of Directors being approved by the Board of Directors. A committee may create one or more subcommittees and shall determine the subcommittee chairs, members, and terms of members. All actions taken by subcommittees shall be subject to the review and approval of the appointing committee.
The committee shall submit the work report every fiscal year.


The Association may hire one honorable chairman of the Board of Directors, some honorable directors and consultants, whose tenure are the same as that of the directors and supervisors.

第四章 會議 Meeting


The Members Assembly has two categories, which are regular meeting and special meeting, and they shall be convened by the chairman of the Board of Directors. The notice of the Members Assembly shall be sent fifteen days prior to such meeting in writing except for special meetings called for emergency matters.
The notice of the meeting shall specify the time, venue of the meeting. The notice of the special meeting shall also specify the purposes.
The regular meeting shall be convened once a year. The special meeting shall be convened if the Board of Directors deems necessary, upon requesting by more than one-fifth of the members or upon request by the Board of Supervisors in writing.
Having duly registered as a juristic person, a special meeting shall be promptly called and convened upon request by more than one-tenth of the members (or member representatives).


A written proxy may be used in the event a member (or member representative) cannot attend a meeting. However, each member may accept one proxy only.


The resolution of the Members Assembly shall require the presence of no less than half the members (or member representatives) and shall be adopted with the majority consent of those present. However, the drawing up and amendments of the Articles of Association, the discharge of a member (or member representative), the recall of the directors and supervisors, the disposition of the property, the dissolution of the Association and other important matters as deemed important concerning the members’ rights and duties shall be adopted with the consent of at least two-thirds of all members present.
Having duly registered as a juristic person, any amendment of the Articles of Association shall be adopted with the consent of at least three-fourths of the members present or with the written consent of at least two-thirds of all members at any time. A resolution to dissolve the Association shall be adopted and implemented with the consent of at least two-thirds of all members at any time.


The Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors shall hold meetings separately at least every six months. A special meeting or a joint meeting of directors and supervisors may be called and convened when necessary.
The notice for the above-mentioned meeting shall be served to directors and supervisors at least seven days prior to the meeting. Meetings shall require the presence of more than half of the number of the Board of Directors and Supervisors and resolutions shall be adopted with the majority consent of the members present.


Directors shall attend the meeting of the Board of Directors and the supervisors shall attend the meeting of the Board of Supervisors and shall not have his/her deputy attend the meeting.
In the event that a director or supervisor is absent without excuse twice successively, he/she shall be deemed as having resigned from the position.

第五章 經費及會計 Budget and Accounting


一、 入會費:新台幣0元。
二、 常年會費:新台幣2,300元。
三、 事業費。
四、 會員捐款。
五、 委託收益。
六、 基金及其孳息。
七、 其他收入。
The following constitute the funding sources of the Association:
1. Entrance fee: NT$0.
2. Annual membership dues: NT$2,300 payable by each member.
3. Operation budget.
4. Donations from the members.
5. Income from individual contract.
6. Funds and its interests.
7. Other incomes.


The fiscal year of the Association is set according to the calendar year, from January 1 to December 31.


The Board of Directors shall decide the annual working plan, annual income and expenditure budget, and employees' salary plan two months prior to the beginning of each fiscal year and these matters shall be recorded by the competent authority before the beginning of the fiscal year. (If the Members Assembly is not convened as scheduled, such plan shall be approved by the joint meeting of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors.) The Board of Directors shall prepare the annual working report, the annual final income and expenditure account, income statement, balance sheet, property list and cash flow chart within two months after the end of the fiscal year and present to the Board of Supervisors for review, and then present to the Members Assembly for approval. The resolution shall be recorded by the competent authority before the end of March. (If the Members Assembly is not convened as scheduled, the competent authority shall record the reports first.)


In the event of the dissolution of the Association, all residual funds and property of the Association shall belong to the local self-governing entity or any other agency designated by the competent authority.

第六章 附則 Bylaws


本章程未規定事項,悉依有關法令規定辦理。 All matters not provided in the Articles of Association shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations.


The Articles of Association adopted by Members Assembly would take effect upon the approval for recording with the competent authority. The same applies to the subsequent amendments hereto.


The Articles of Association were passed by the first meeting of the Members Assembly on the 2nd day of July, in the year of 2007, and were recorded with Ministry of Interior on 16th day of July, in the year of 2007. The Articles of Association – rule 1 and rule 30 were modified by the first meeting of the Members Assembly on the 28th of July, in the year of 2016, and were recorded with Ministry of Interior on 29th of November, 2017 and 15th of March, 2018 separately.


CFA Society Taiwan於內政部登記類型為社會團體,以內政部公告之人民團體相關法規為遵循依據。
