CFA Institute Research Challenge Mexico 2024
Students from UDLAP won CFA Institute Research Challenge Mexico 2024
The team made up of 5 students from the Banking and Investments Bachelor’s degree at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla was the winner in the final of the CFA Institute Research Challenge 2024-2025, organized by CFA Society Mexico.
Every year, students from Mexican universities are invited to participate in the local competition of the CFA Institute Research Challenge. Teams wrote a report that develop an investment thesis on a company listed on the stock market from a fundamental analysis perspective. The company analyzed is assigned by CFA Society Mexico and this year it was Fibra Monterrey.
In this edition, a little more than 100 students from 22 universities, from 9 states of Mexico, participated. The teams made up of between 3 and 5 students prepared their reports within a period of 10 weeks and were subsequently rated by a group of volunteer evaluators. The five finalist universities were: Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Monterrey, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Universidad de Monterrey and Universidad La Salle.
On December 10th, the finalist teams made an executive presentation in english and answered a series of questions from a group of judges with extensive experience in financial matters at a local and international level: Cecilia Jiménez, Vanessa Quiroga, CFA, Eduardo Motta and Carlos Ponce Bustos. The final took place in the auditorium of the Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores).
The students from Universidad de las Américas Puebla won first place and will represent CFA Society Mexico in the subregional competition, against other Latin American countries, in April 2025.
CFA Society Mexico thank all the participating teams, professors, mentors, graders, judges, S&P GMI and Fibra Monterrey for their invaluable support and participation.
Congratulations Triana, Venedig, José Manuel, Juan Francisco and Rubén!