Join or Renew






特別会員はCFA Japan独自の会員制度です。特別会員にはアソシエイト会員(CFAプログラム登録者及びCFA協会投資基礎検定資格保有者対象)とプロフェッショナル会員(日本証券アナリスト協会検定会員対象)があります。資格要件の詳細はこちらをご覧ください。



既にCFA Institute会員になられている方がCFA Japanに入会する場合は、その旨をCFA Instituteにご通知下さい。 また、正会員および準会員の方がRetired正会員,Retired準会員に変更なさる場合も直接CFA Instituteにご通知ください。

  • ご質問は事務局(までお問い合わせください。



  • 正会員のみ日本CFA協会の活動に関連する決議事項に対し議決権を有します。 また、各会員は年会費額が異なります。(日本CFA協会年会費: 正会員:$150, 準会員年会費:$115, Retired正会員とRetired準会員:共に48$, アソシエイト会員:¥10,000, プロフェッショナル会員:¥20,000)


Membership Types and Requirements

Both CFA Institute and your local society review your work experience and professional references to determine your membership eligibility.

  • If you have less than 4,000 hours (over a period of not less than 36 months) of qualified work experience, you may be considered for affiliate membership.
  • If you have at least 4,000 hours (over a period of not less than 36 months) of qualified work experience, you may be considered for regular membership (required to receive your CFA charter).

Associate membership is a category created solely for CFA society - CFA Society Japan Candidate can submit an application from the link as shown below. (Please be noted Special candidate membership has been  renamed Associate candidate membership since Jan.1st, 2018.)

For registration, please contact us,

Additionally Professional membership has been created newly. it is for professional persons who has CMA and it is also a category created solely for CFA society.   For more detail

If you are already a CFA Institute member, you can easily add one or more society memberships. If Regular and Affiliate members change their status to Retired, please send it to CFA Institute by E-mail.

The difference in benefits among Regular, Affiliate, and Candidate members of the local society is that only Regular members are allowed to vote on Society proxies. Becoming a Regular member is a requirement for the award of the CFA charter.

Annual dues for CFA Society Japan Regular and Affiliate membership are $150 and $115, respectively. Annual dues for both Retired Regular and Retired Affiliate are $48. Associate membership for CFA Society Japan is JPY10,000 annually and Professional membership for CFA Society Japan is JPY20,000 annually.  Regular and Affiliate membership dues are paid directly to CFA Institute.

To Become a CFA Charterholder

CFA3次試験を合格し、CFA認定を受ける(CFA協会認定証券アナリストとして名刺に記載する等)ためには,CFA Instituteの会員であることが必要となります。
CFA資格保持者及びレベル3の合格者の皆様に対しては,CFA Institute共々CFA Japanへのご入会を心よりお待ち申し上げております。

About CFA Institute

CFA Institute は、CFA カリキュラムと試験を世界的に運営しているほか、研究発表、職業能力開発プログラムの実施、投資業界のための倫理に基づく職業規範と業績報告基準の自主的策定を行っている世界的な非営利団体です。

CFA Institute is a global, nonprofit member organization of financial analysts, portfolio managers, and other investment professionals.

Contact US




Otemachi Financial City
South Tower 5th Floor
1-9-7 Otemachi
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
100-0004 JAPAN

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